In an effort to keep you comfortable and completely at ease with each and every procedure we perform, we are offering a range of dental sedation solutions at our Fairfield, CT dentist’s office. These are very safe and effective for relieving dental anxiety, but that’s not the only benefit related to our relaxation dentistry services. Keep reading to hear about some of the other perks of dental sedation, and then get in touch with the team at Fairfield Smiles By Design. To schedule, call 203-254-0545 or message us online today.
Time Passes Faster
Dental sedation tends to make the time required to work on your teeth and gums pass more quickly. Additionally, sedation can make it so you are not preoccupied with what our team is working on in your mouth.
Sensitivity Is Lowered
Everyone can be a bit touchy when it comes to their teeth and comes. Dental sedation can help lower such sensitivity, alleviating any discomfort in the process. You won’t even notice what we are up to.
Allows For Multiple Treatments
When we give you our special dental sedation services, you can get all the care you need, even multiple procedures, all at once. This will save you time and money and the hassle of coming back more than once.
Reduces Your Gag Reflex
Gagging, though a natural reaction, can slow down or interrupt our plans for treatment. With sedation your gag reflex will be relaxed along with the rest of your body, and we will be able to get right to work on your smile.
No More Squirming In The Chair
Pediatric patients aren’t the only ones who have trouble keeping still in the dentist’s chair. But even mild levels of dental sedation can help patients sit still long enough to get the care they deserve. Sometimes folks with disabilities can really benefit from this kind of assistance. And it also takes care of any lingering fear of the dentist.
Good Choices With Us
Unlike many other area offices, we offer multiple kinds of dental sedation here, so you can get the level of relaxation that is appropriate for your stress level and the treatment you’ll receive. Our sedation options are:
Inhaled Sedation – This is also known as laughing gas. For this method, you simply breathe this in through a small mask that is placed over your nose and almost immediately you’ll begin to feel relaxed. It wears off quickly, and you’ll be able to drive yourself home.
IV Sedation – Only an anesthesiologist can administer this sedation, which puts you into an almost sleeplike state. You likely won’t remember anything about your procedure and will need a ride home.
Twilight Sleep – We will prescribe a medication for you to take about an hour before your appointment. Once here, you can relax in a twilight sleep state while we work.
Request Your Appointment Today!
Just to reiterate: the dental sedation methods offered here are completely safe and easy to use. If you are excited about the possibilities of relaxation dentistry outlined above, then get in touch with the team at Fairfield Smiles By Design. To schedule, call 203-254-0545 or message us online today.
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