Dental Cleanings and Exams in Fairfield, CT

Stats Image About 1 out of 4 adults has untreated decay. Source.
If you’ve ever owned a motor vehicle, you’ve discovered that maintenance is easier and less expensive than repair. The same thing is true in dental care! That’s why dental cleanings and exams in Fairfield are so important.

During this general dentistry service, we will:

  • Remove cavity-causing plaque from your teeth
  • Check for problems like cavities, gum disease, and problematic behaviors like teeth grinding
  • Perform an oral cancer screening
  • Address your dental questions and concerns
  • Polish your teeth so they look and feel fantastic
  • Take digital X-rays if needed, to get a better look at your mouth
  • Help you improve your home oral hygiene routine
  • Suggest preventive care, like dental sealants, if needed

We recommend visiting our office for dental exams and cleanings at least two times a year. If you need to schedule your next exam, call us at 203-254-0545.

Build a Strong Relationship With Us, Starting With Your First Dental Exam

No dental exam is more important than your first one with Dr. Pablo Cuevas and the rest of our team. It creates a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. That’s why we won’t rush you. We will take the time to:

  • Collect important information from you, like your medical history
  • Show you around our office and introduce you to our team so you feel comfortable
  • Discover your care preferences and special needs
  • Ask about your smile goals, so we can begin creating a personalized treatment plan

New patients pay just $97 for their introductory dental cleaning and exam.

Keep Your Teeth Cavity-Free With Preventive Care

Good home oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings at our office go a long way toward preventing cavities. We may also suggest additional preventive treatments like applications of fluoride or dental sealants, thin plastic coatings that provide a protective barrier against decay. No matter which treatments you receive, you’ll be comfortable in our dental chairs with memory foam padding and heat and vibration features.

Keep your teeth healthy with dental cleanings and exams in Fairfield. Call us today at 203-254-0545 to schedule an appointment.

Common Questions About Dental Cleanings and Exams

How long does a dental exam and cleaning take?

The length of these services may vary a bit, depending on whether we take X-rays or provide any preventive services like dental sealants. Usually, though, we can complete an exam and cleaning in about an hour. You may need to allow more time if it’s been a long time since you’ve seen a dentist.

How soon after my cleaning can I eat?

Luckily, there’s no reason to wait to eat after your cleaning. However, your teeth and gums may be a little sensitive. So, you may want to avoid extremely hot, cold, or acidic food and beverages for a few hours. Be sure to ask your dentist if you have any concerns about what you can eat or drink after your appointment.

How often should I get a dental cleaning and exam?

To keep your teeth and gums in the best possible shape, we recommend visiting our office every six months for dental cleanings and exams. This allows our team to remove bacteria-filled plaque before it can cause any serious problems. It also enables us to find issues like cavities and gum disease in their earliest stages, when they are easiest to treat.

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