Discover Great Dental Care at Fairfield Smiles by Design
The number one thing that sets us apart is, I’m not that dentist that jumps from chair to chair to chair. When you’re here, I’m the only dentist here, and when you come to my office, you’re going to get me and you’re going to get me pretty much for the full hour when you’re here. You’re going to listen to 32 years’ experience, but then you’re going to give me your feedback, what you want to have done. If I can do it for you and it keeps your mouth healthy and beautiful and functioning, that’s the direction that we can go.
I’ve hired people to have that same passion for dentistry. I have an office manager, I have two scheduling coordinators, I have a dental hygienist, my wife is still on board. So all of us look into one direction: it’s making your mouth as healthy and as functional as possible.
As far as my office philosophy, it’s consistent excellence. Everything that we do I put 100 percent in, albeit the small little filling on the last tooth in your mouth. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. I will put the same amount of effort, and I feel like my staff does the same thing for patients, is that even if we’re just doing one filling or just cleaning your teeth, simple procedures like that are just as important as the 10 veneers or the 20 veneers or the 12 implants, those type of things, or the complete denture. Because it’s important to you, it’s really important to me.